Grandpa and Grandma were married on the 3rd of January 1924. They had five children born to them, Velma, Zemona, Shirley,Vivian Gay, and Joseph Dar. I don't know much of their early years, so let's all start talking to our parents and fill this story in.

Cousin Loran is the one that inspired me to start here. He shared a few things via Facebook with me over the last week. I will share them here to get us started.

"Danette, We need to get together and have a Cloward Reunion...I have told my children about their awesome cousins but they need to meet you....and yours. I have always loved your father and mother and always will. Let's make a promise to Grandpa and Grandma Cloward that we willl not forget...I have stories to tell from my youth about them and will share..

You know, like your family, we traveled to some exotic places...but there was no place like Grampa Loran and Mom Florences little farm, a mile east and 1/2 mile north of the Neola crossroads. She didn't make pancakes...they were 'hotcakes' with real butter and apricot/pineapple(home made) jam. Makes my mouth water just to think about that. I will get back with you soon...let's not let this go...OKAY!!

Do you remember Velma's doughtnuts...the deep fried die for. We have some neat people in our family!


Mom was born on May 5, 1935, the third child in her family. Mom thought when she was a little girl that maybe she was adopted because there was ten years difference between her and Zee, and eleven years between her and Velma. Four years after mom was born Gay was born and five years after that, Dar was born. Mom and Dar were the only ones born in a hospital in their family, the doctor came to their home to deliver her sisters.
Money was tight when we were growing up, our home was quite small, three rooms with an outhouse out back, and Aunt Elise would send clothes that her daughters had grown out of for Gay and I and we loved it. For Christmas, we usually getting a blouse or a skirt and a bag of oranges, apples, and candies, and I still love the candy orange segments!"

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